Trenchless Works is a multi-media platform bringing together online the very best in news, opinion and views from across the UK and International Trenchless Technology sector. Readers can switch between environments and devices to view all the very latest content

Our Expansive Digital experience including publishing, conferences and masterclasses puts us in a unique position of being able to provide global diverse audiences in all aspects of the installation or refurbishment of underground utilities using Trenchless Technologies

The combination of a multi-media platform and worldwide Trenchless events provides a unique proposition and opportunity for companies to stay engaged and connected to the Trenchless community 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Our channels include Live and Digital events, a monthly magazine, website and Trenchless Works TV, a real opportunity to join a trenchless community

Trenchless Works is the official magazine for UKSTT and we are looking forward to launching and implementing many new projects over the next twelve months. Additional industry supporters will soon be announced further enhancing the Trenchless Works reach

Trenchless Works includes Spanish translation, and Trenchless Works Asia